The Blood Type Diet

While researching a personally recurring ailment, I stumbled upon an ad within the article I was reading that stated something to the effect of: “What foods to avoid for Your Blood Type.” The brief line alone piqued my interest greatly, and I wish I had clicked on the offered link at the time. I’ve since re-visited this information page many times, but that same ad is no longer lingering on the page, unfortunately. Rather than be discouraged, I placed this topic on my “To Learn More” list and have been doing periodic research on it ever since.

Admittedly, there is great curiosity and excitement in the idea of creating an *agreeable* diet centered around one’s biological genetic information that makes you YOU. How many of us have actually considered that what we eat can adversely and/or beneficially affect our blood and de/increase its level of efficacy for [un]healthiness? I know for myself, despite being a hard-core advocate for True Vegetarianism (no lacto, no ovo, no in-betweens – just *straight* real vegetarianism), I didn’t even connect this as a consideration. As our energy and consciousness grows and becomes more definitive, we are exposed to higher sources of knowledge and power, and I don’t doubt that my eye catching the attention of that ad was coincidental. Whether to re-affirm or disregard the “importance” of eating for one’s genetic design, I think it best to investigate so as to make an independent judgment according to one’s own attributions towards health.

Certainly, there is a slight “craze” revolving around the concept of a Blood Type Diet, regarded as genius to some and ridiculous to others. The modern day pioneer for blood type dieting is advocated in large part by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo, who hosts several websites catering to his studies and findings relative to the topic. Honestly, his theories have NOT won me over by far, but I do think he may be on to something all in all. He encourages certain blood types to eat animals, which is something I cannot and will not support, as the Animal Kingdom is not a segment of the Human “Kingdom.” Animals were not made from humans and humans were not made from animals, so we are not (co)dependent upon each other for sustenance for our bodies [eating insects such as bees has no nutritional value for humans].

I noticed that there is a significant push for O Blood Types to eat meat in high doses, which was described as bringing a number of these “types” to severe discomfort and unease with their energy and ability levels by different people of this type. The slight Saving Grace for Dr. D’Adamo is that he boldly states:

“If you’re a bread-eating Type O and you’re happy with your state of health and life is wonderful, you shouldn’t even be in the nutrition aisle in the bookstore; I write books for people for whom those other things don’t work.”

In a way it seems like another gimmick to drive us to try out the new “fad” in managing health and wellness in an increasingly careless society regarding true health and wellness. This makes it more difficult to present any actual Facts about dieting for your specific blood type. For instance, my sister is O+ and she thrives off of meat and [artificially] acidic liquids, while my significant other is O- and thrives off of a True Vegetarian diet consisting of grains and fresh fruit and vegetables. They are both O’s, but they eat completely differently and couldn’t imagine eating as the other does (short or long-term).

While Health and Wellness go hand in hand in reality, they are quite distanced in the world of science and education. This is most notable in the required courses for doctors (even specialists) to “prepare” for *practicing* on people. Nutrition studies are placed low in significance to health and wellness, despite this being one of the most crucial aspects of how we maintain our livelihood. The use of chemicals and lab creations are deemed as the necessary “go-to” where foods, herbs and liquids are stripped of their natural nutritional value (make-up) and formulated into an experimental tonic. These are just facts, easily found in *practice* throughout western society.

According to Dr. D’Adamo, three out of four people (in his studies) benefit from eating his recommended diet for their Blood Type, so while the odds are high, there is still plenty of wiggle room for detriment to arise. Considering that there is no distinction between dieting for a positive or negative Blood Type, I think this leaves the window open – so to speak – for independent trials and error (as is the case between my sister and my mate) where the dieter makes the final decision by listening to the body.

There are a number of [re]sources available to those who are curious about what should be eaten and what should be avoided, including the many sites from Dr. D’Adamo. In short, I will list the main points sited time and again by Blood Type Diet[ing] advocates in a sort of “series” starting with A+ and A-:

Type A: “flourish on a vegetarian diet – if you are accustomed to eating meat, you will lose weight and have more energy once you eliminate the toxic foods from your diet. Pure, Fresh and Organic foods can supercharge the immune system and potentially short circuit the development of life threatening diseases.” Chew food completely to ensure proper digestion, as Type As typically have low levels of stomach acid to aid in breaking down more complex foods.

Having heightened cortisol levels – limiting the body’s ability to effectively (and naturally) deal with and recover from stress –  makes incorporating calming exercises a requirement for Type As. Dr. D’Adamo recommends, Hatha Yoga, Tai Chi and Meditation and Deep Breathing Exercises.

For specifics on particular foods, start here:

Ultimately, I recommend listening to your bodyregardless of blood type. Learn and Know your body, and you will all-ways be the Best Judge.

To Heal one must become Whole.
To Know one must Learn.
To Be one must Live.

So Be the best Knower of your Whole Self in order to Live in Health.

Therein lies Wealth.

Painting the Organs with Acrylamide

Most recently I’ve grown increasingly aware of and concerned about this little known chemical compound referred to as Acrylamide. In my discussions with my small circle of Vegan Foodist friends, I’ve come to learn that most of us are completely oblivious to this toxicity we are unknowingly ingesting on a pretty regular basis.

The first question and response that comes to mind is generally something to the effect: “Is it something found in processed foods? Cuz I only eat processed foods sparingly.” Great question, great thought. But it’s nearly inescapable for us all – whether carnivorous or herbivorous – simply due to Acrylamide’s chemical make-up.

So what is it? What foods is it found to be present?

As simply put as possible, I shall quote the authorities responsible for the management of food inspection and food safety: the FDA. “Acrylamide is a chemical that can form in some foods during high-temperature cooking processes, such as frying, roasting, and baking…Acrylamide is found mainly in foods made from plants, such as potato products, grain products, or coffee. Acrylamide does not form, or forms at lower levels, in dairy, meat, and fish products. Generally, acrylamide is more likely to accumulate when cooking is done for longer periods or at higher temperatures.”

So stop baking, frying and roasting my plant foods, right?

According to the FDA, that is not advisable, despite the logic in eliminating baking/frying/roasting as a cooking regimen. In fact, the FDA’s “best” advice  is to follow that which is mapped out in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans ( In turn, it stirs the question:

Should I be *cooking* food at all?

Considering that Acrylamide caused cancer in animals in studies where animals were exposed to acrylamide at very high doses and has been viewed as a significant human health concern for the past 4 years, I lean toward that being a *very* valid question! And if you’re already a vegan, exactly how hard would it be to transcend to a RAW vegan lifestyle?

It important to note that the Governmental Administrator for Food states that “food packaging is not a source of formed acrylamide,” to later advise that “Acrylamide is produced industrially for use in products such as plastics, grouts, water treatment products, and cosmetics. Acrylamide is also found in cigarette smoke.” I find that to be rather contradictory, as food packaging in America is *primarily* encased with Plastic… Just pay close attention at your next grocery shopping visit, and you will discover the truth in my statement!

Now I know and recognize the array of questions this chemical compound coined as Acrylamide brings to the surface of light. If you’re wondering what is being done to remedy the exposure of acrylamide in our foods in America, I can tell you that the government isn’t doing much at all. There are some manufacturers who are seeking ways to reduce acrylamide in their products, but it appears research has remained stagnated on that topic for more than 7 years.

My best personal advice is to do the following:

  • Start limiting your intake of baked, fried and roasted foods in general, to of course include potatoes (including chips), fruits, and grain (products).
  • Avoid “browning” foods – keep potatoes golden in color, as well as work on just warming bread rather than “toasting” it.
  • Eat all cooked foods in moderation.
  • Transition to Yerba Mate in place of coffee. It’s cheaper, anyhow!
  • Gradually transcend to a fully RAW Vegan Lifestyle.

Cooking at temperatures exceeding 120 degrees Celsius (248 degrees Fahrenheit), will likely result in exposure to Acrylamide at a dose that’s just unacceptable if you’re proactively avoiding putting yourself at risk of accumulating Cancerous cells within the body.

For more info, I highly recommend visiting: AND
Doing an independent search is crucial to keep yourself as well informed as possible.

Paint the Organs with Life
Not Acrylamide.
Work to Transcend to a Raw Vegan Lifestyle
And Allways Be on The Journey to

Achieve Health As Wealth!

Queenie’s Creamy Dreamy Asparagus Pasta

Creating & Cooking

Is My

Heaven on Earth.

~It allows for me to provide fuel support to my loved ones (when I can share, hehehe) so that they may put their best foot forward in sharing their *loving* energy.
~It boosts my energy to make positive and conscious efforts to make sustainable choices – in my food selection and purchasing any other “goods.”
~It allows for me to be fully aware of what I am putting into my body – particularly in Creation Mode.
~It provides total happiness to my Heart which always enjoys a warm embrace.

Mind Inspired
to Prove that there Is

Wealth in Healthy Eating.